CommunitiesBillings, Montana

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Showing 2 Communities

Annafeld ~ A McCall Homes Community

Billings, MT 59101

Open in Google Maps
  • Priced From $278,000  - $532,997
  • 994 - 2,552 SQ FT
  • Billings, MT
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McCall Homes in Craftsman Village

New Home CommunitiesBillings, Montana

Just along the Yellowstone River, Billings has become a hub for people of all walks of life to enjoy the outdoors, locally raised food, rich history and family friendly community. Billings was nicknamed the “Magic City” because of the rapid growth from its founding as a railroad town in March 1882. It has recently continued to expand, as Billings was voted #24 of the Top 100 Places to Live in the U.S

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